
Scarlet Macaw
Ara macao cyanoptera


  • Scientific name:

    Ara macao cyanoptera

  • Family:


  • Genus:


  • Species:


  • Common names:

    Scarlet macaw


  • Morphology:

    The scarlet macaw measures 85 to 96 cm from head to tail. They have a creamy-white, almost featherless face. Bright red plumage covers most of its body and wings. Brilliant blue and yellow feathers also adorn the lower wings. The cover feathers of the tail are a clear blue, while the primary feathers are red. The upper mandible is bone-colored with a blackish tip and base, while the lower mandible is entirely black.

  • Reproduction:

    Macaws mate for life, nesting from January through June in the holes of dead canopy trees. Mated adults lay 2 to 4 eggs per year, and preen each other and their offspring for hours, cleaning bugs from their feathers.

  • Diet:

    Nuts, leaves, berries, fruit and seeds from the rainforest make up the bulk of the Scarlet Macaw’s diet. Their strong, hooked beak is perfect for breaking nuts and seeds.


  • Range:

    The Scarlet Macaw can be found from southern Mexico to Peru, as well as Bolivia, eastern Brazil and Trinidad.

  • Habitat:

    They are found mainly in evergreen and upper jungle. They prefer to spend their time in tall, deciduous trees in forests and near rivers, usually in large, noisy groups. It is a lowland species and generally not found above 500 m.


  • Rainforest destruction and heavy exploitation for pet trading. IUCN Red List: Least concern.